On December 12, 2024, Sharavathinagara Federation hosted a joyful and meaningful Christmas celebration, bringing together 44 representatives from 22 Self-Help Groups (SHGs). The event was graced by Sr. Perpetua, the director of Ashadeep Organization, Bagalakote, along with her staff and community leaders, adding to the festive spirit.
The celebration began with a warm greeting from Santa Claus, who brought cheer to everyone by presenting gifts. The atmosphere was further enlivened by the beautiful carol singing performed by federation members, setting a joyful tone for the event. This was followed by the cutting of a Christmas cake, which was then distributed to all attendees, spreading sweetness and joy.
Rev. Fr. Pius D'Souza, the Director of SMSSS, delivered an enlightening Christmas message that highlighted the true meaning of the celebration, inspiring everyone present.
The event concluded with a delicious lunch, leaving everyone with a sense of fulfillment and community spirit. The celebration not only marked the festive season but also reinforced the values of sharing, unity, and compassion.
The event was a heartwarming success, bringing together members of the community to celebrate and reflect on the significance of Christmas.