Find joy in service; where purpose meets fulfilment.

‘The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it”  –Mother Teresa.

Mother Teresa’s words remind us that the joy of service lies in the act itself. Despite challenges, our dedication to making a difference brings fulfilment.

It was a grand vision of our leaders and like-minded individuals to bring to life the mission of Christ: to serve every person in need. This dream, though challenging, has turned out to be an incredibly rewarding journey. Since its inception on August 11, 1989, this journey has continued with ever-increasing zeal and enthusiasm.

What began as tiny steps has grown bigger and stronger. Our service, with a clear goal to transform and support the people of Shivamogga, Chitradurga, and Davanagere districts, moves forward without distinction of religion, gender, or caste. The service we render to society is far-reaching, enriching, and satisfying. It aims to touch the hearts of all, especially those in need.

As Henry Van Dyke said, “Look around for a place to sow a few seeds.” We aim to sow the seeds of human kindness to touch the heart of each person.

The recognition and appreciation from society inspire everyone at the Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society (SMSSS) to move forward with greater vigor and enthusiasm. Our activities may seem like just a drop in the vast ocean, but without this drop, the ocean would certainly miss something valuable. This drop has now expanded to cover vast areas, reaching out to more people with divine strength.

Having completed thirty-five fruitful and glorious years of service, our organization is taking bold steps ahead. Today, we aim to put compassionate love into action, making that little drop in the ocean a fruitful and recognizable reality, always mindful of the ocean’s vastness.

We are aware of the rapid changes around us. These continually changing situations and varied contexts have prompted SMSSS to be more innovative as we strive to reach out to all disadvantaged families. Our trust in God, our Divine Master, and the benevolence of the Almighty have strengthened us and given us the confidence to continue our work for His greater glory.

I acknowledge the committed leadership of Most Rev. Dr Ignatius Paul Pinto the first Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga and the first President of SMSSS and I place on record the support and guidance of Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo who inspired the Society with his active support and right guidance. He was a man with great vision and highest dream for the poorest of the poor. He placed his heart and soul into this mission.

When he moved to Udupi Diocese, Bishop Francis Serrao S.J. succeeded him with his sense of commitment and vision. He arrived here with his practical experience in social work and deep love for the poor, down trodden people. He has been the shining light of the Society and has guided us meticulously over the past decade. He has shown keen interest in the progress and growth in every sphere and branch of the SMSSS. He has shown much love for the poor and those helpless be it in the field of education, health, service and self-help has led the Society forward.

The far-sighted vision and steady guidance of these eminent personalities has taken the Society to greater heights. 

I place on record the dedicated services of Rev. Fathers Mark Patrick D'Silva, Clement M. D’Souza, Gilbert Lobo, Veeresh V. Moras, Richard Pais and Clifford Roshan Pinto who have brightened the lives of thousands of people while providing a fresh life to SMSSS. Each Director in their own unique way has led the Social Work Centre with its diverse goals. While expressing our heartfelt gratitude them we ask the Lord to bless them abundantly.

I am touched and have experienced the generous financial support and encouragement from all our donor agencies and individual donors.  They have contributed much and generously. This has helped us to take bold step in every mission we undertook.  Looking into every project and development activity of SMSSS it is this reliable support that has made the organisation reach out to all corners of the districts of Shimoga, Chitradurga and Davanagere. May the Lord bless all the donors and every supportive agency with abundant and plentiful blessings for their kindness and generosity.

I warmly remember the dedication of the staff of SMSSS and their enthusiasm to work at the grass root are the backbone for the growth of this Society. Their work as a team and willingness to plan and execute the projects is marvellous.  May they experience joy and satisfaction in all that they do for the poor and the marginalized. May all the beneficiaries who come to our organization SMSSS and all those who benefit from our service, realize the words of Herman Melville “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibres connect us with our fellowmen.”

​​​​​​​-Fr. Pius D’Souza
Director SMSSS

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The Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society ®
Alkola Circle, Sagar Road,
Gopala Post- 577 205
Shimoga, Karnataka, India

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