On 20th of January 2013, we had Diocesan Level Quiz competition at Chaitanya. There were 81 students from various parishes (specially the top five from each Deanery) took part in the competition.  All the students were made to registrar themselves before they entered the Exam hall.  In the beginning we had the Diocesan Level Quiz (written) from 10.30 am to 12.00pm. Then at 12.15pm we had the Eucharistic mass celebrated by Fr Melwyn Pinto SJ. In the afternoon after the lunch, we had a talk on Disha CAP cell, in which the vision, mission and the objectives of Disha were shared by Fr Veeresh V Moras , the Executive Director of SMSSS.  After the talk we had the felicitation programme to honour all the Disha Quiz winners both at Deanery as well as at the Diocesan   Level.  For the felicitation programme, Fr Felix Noronha was the Chief Guest. He in his short speech encouraged the students to take part in such competition so that they enhance their personality. Fr Veeresh V Moras  in his address emphasized the importance of various competitive exams in the lives of present students. The prizes were distributed by Frs Felix Noronha and Veeresh V Moras. Additionally we also honoured all the Disha CAP Volunteers from various parishes for their valuable service towards this programme by giving them mementos. We ended our programme with the General photo session.

Here below  is the list of the  winners at the Diocesan Level Disha CAP Quiz.





















































































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