Chaitanya, Shimoga, June 19, 2019: The Review Meeting of the Women Empowerment Programme entitled "Empowerment of Socio-Economically Poor and Disadvantaged Women in Karnataka" with Project No. 321-908-1077 ZG, funded by Misereor, Germany was held at Chaitanya on 19 June 2019. The team from Karnataka Regional Organization for Social Service (KROSS), Bangalore consisting of Rev. Fr Sebastian Fernandes, the Director, Sr Zita FMM, the WEP State Coordinator and Mr Sebastian D'Souza, WEP assistant Coordinator conducted the Review Meeting along with Rev. Fr Clifford Roshan Pinto, the Director of SMSSS. The meeting began with prayer and words of welcome. The director of SMSSS  thanked the KROSS team for their keen interest in the empowerment of women in the remote areas of Karnataka. Mr Jagadeesha, the WEP Coordinator from SMSSS presented the report of the activities of past 5 months. An elaborate discussion followed the presentation of the consolidated report. The animators, Mrs Savitha, Kavitha, Latha, Bhanupriya and Malini actively participated in the Review Meeting.

The goal of the project is "A contribution has been made to the improvement of the quality of life of poor women and their families in Karnataka. (By December 2021, in Karnataka 6500/500 committed leaders from 761/45 villages, empower 65000/5000 socio-economically poor women & their families to enjoy enhanced quality of life through integrated development)."

The project has three objectives: (1) By the end of the funding period, 6500/500 local leaders in the target region have addressed local issues effectively. (By 2021, 6500/500 emerged local leaders from 761/45 villages take up issues on Health and Environment benefitting 65000/5000 families); (2) By the end of the funding period, Gender Equality has improved in the target region. (By 2021, 80% (52000/4000) of the families of 761/45 villages respect, uphold & practice Gender Equality by increasing the confidence level of 75% of women who voice out & report atrocities); (3) Good Governance is practiced more often. (By 2021, 6500/500 value based emerged leaders from among 761/45 villages participate, protect, uphold and practice good governance by availing government benefits/ entitlements and mobilizing resources, thereby increasing their economic status leading to self-reliance).

Several suggestions were given for improvement. The Review team appreciated the good work of the coordinator and the animators. The Review Meeting ended at 5.45 pm.

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