Shimoga, August 03, 2022: The Annual General Body Meeting of the Streebandhu Multipurpose Souharda Co-operative Limited was held on 03 August 2022 in Agamudi Samudaya Bhavana, Alkola Circle, Sagar Road, Shimoga. The Annual General Body Meeting was presided over by Mrs Precilla Martis, the president of the Streebandhu Multipurpose Souharda Co-operative Limited. The meeting began at 10.00 AM with prayer. The president announced that 495 members have already signed the attendance registered and declared that there is the required quorum for the meeting.

Mrs Gloria Jyothi Furtado, one of the directors of the Streebandhu welcomed the President, the Board of Directors and the gathering. Rev. Fr Clifford Roshan Pinto, the Chief Executive Officer of the Streebandhu presented the annual reports of 2021-22, audited statement of accounts of 2021-22 and the proposed annual budget for 2022-23 for approval. The proceedings of the meetings were unanimously approved and duly recorded. The highlight of the report is the net annual profit during the financial year 2021-22 which stood at Rs 97,90,822.51

The members appreciated the progress the Streebandhu has made over the years. The members were overwhelmed to receive the good news that the Streebandhu Board of Directors have approved 9% dividend this year for all the shareholders. The General Body unanimously approved the proposal. The members were extremely happy with the dividend. As the Streebandhu is in the 9th year of its existence and entering into the 10th year shortly, a provision was made to set aside a maximum of 10% of the profit during the financial year 2022-23 for the celebration of the decennial celebration of the Streebandhu. There was a proposal to launch out new activities in view of the decennial celebration.   

In her presidential address Mrs Precilla Martis appreciated the cooperation of all the members of Streebandhu Cooperative and urged them to work for the progress of Streebandhu with much more commitment. The Bishop of Shimoga and the President of the Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society, Shimoga, Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ was the Chief Guest for the Annual General Body Meeting. In his address the Bishop appreciated the steady progress of the Streebandhu Cooperative and noted that this Cooperative should grow more and more and be a source for support for all poor and marginalized women. The bishop thanked the President of Streebandhu, the Chief Executive Officer of Streebandhu and the entire team of Streebandhu for their dedicated hard work and commitment. He wished every success to this Streebandhu Cooperative in the coming days and years. The Annual General Body Meeting ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Mrs Pramila, one of the directors of the Streebandhu. In his concluding remarks Rev. Fr Clifford Roshan Pinto, the Chief Executive Officer of the Streebandhu thanked each and every member for their overwhelming support and noted that even during the difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemic the Streebandhu is making a steady progress. Lunch was served to all the members who participated in the meeting. 


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