Communities will have been utilizing available natural resources (land, water and forest) for their needs and well being in an optimum yet sustainable manner.


  1. Farmers’ organization and livelihood of small and marginal farmers
  2. Farmers’ rights
  3. Soil and water conservation
  4. Organic Farming
  5. Effective and sustainable use of Alternative sources of energy


  1. Rain Water Management
  2. Soil and water conservation
  3. Farmers’ rights
  4. Organic Farming
  5. Livelihood of small and marginal farmers
  6. Soil and water conservation


  1. 20 farmers’ self help groups have been promoted through which 1200 small and marginalized farmers have been organized
  2. 5 farmer’s federations are promoted
  3. 186 farmers are producing Vermin compost fertilizers through help from SMSSS and are practicing Organic farming.
  4. 180 farmers produce Jeevamrutha fertilizers from the support of SMSSS and have reduced their agricultural expenses.
  5. 100 farmers have been helped to build bio-gas unit
  6. 400 families have been helped to establish Sarala – cooking
  7. Farmers have started local seed bank.
  8. Over 350 women were able to cultivate their own vegetable gardens and grow different kinds of vegetables.
  9. 142 farmers have adopted complete organic farming
  10. Over 800 farmers have been successfully tapping various government schemes through lobbying and networking.



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