On Thursday, September 12, 2024 afternoon Shimoga witnessed a significant Peace Rally held by like minded organisations in collaboration with the Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society (SMSSS). The event saw active participation from Hindu, Muslim, and Christian religious leaders, who marched together to promote unity and harmony among different communities.

The rally commenced from the McGann Hospital (SIMS) campus and concluded at the Science field in Shivamogga. Throughout the march, religious leaders emphasized the importance of living in unity and fostering a spirit of mutual respect and understanding. Several Leaders spoke on the occasion emphasising the need for harmony particularly in the present situation where religious differences and unrest spring so easily. Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto stressed on the need for peace and justice in our locality. Minor incidents suffice to show disharmony among people.











Religious leaders from Hinduism represented by Swamijis, from Muslim groups the learned scholars and from Christianity the Priests were present. Scores of people joined in the procession and expressed solidarity with each other. In his vote of thanks Fr Pius D'Souza the director of The Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society thanked the participants sincerely for coming together to express support to each other. He expressed his happiness to have been part of such a great event and invited all to be in contact and work in solidarity to show that harmony in Shivamogga.

All the leaders and participants felt that the event was a powerful demonstration of solidarity, with participants from various backgrounds coming together to support the cause of peace. The leaders' call for unity resonated with the crowd, highlighting the shared values that bind the community together. It was indeed an expression of peace and harmony and all wished that such meetings should be held often to bring friendship and unity.

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