Caritas Prague Members visit Shimoga Diocese: the delegates of the Archdiocesan Caritas Prague Management Mr Jaroslav Nemec, Director and Mr Petr Zavrel, visited SMSSS, Chaitanya, the Social Service wing of the Diocese of Shimoga on Monday, September 2nd 2024. Bishop Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Shimoga Diocese, Fr. Pius D'Souza, the Director of SMSSS and Rev. Fr .Clifford Roshan Pinto, the outgoing Director of SMSSS welcomed the delegates. They commenced their assignment by visiting five beneficiary families of Shivamogga city. Then they spent some time viewing the items produced by the beneficiaries towards the income generating products exhibited at Chaitanya, directly supported by the Caritas Prague during COVID-19.

During the day a short and well planned felicitation programme was organised at Chaitanya. The CSP children presented a prayer song. Rev. Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto the outgoing Director SMSSS addressed the honourable guests and the gathering welcoming them and giving a brief outline of the work. This was followed by dance, karate, singing and other entertainment programmes presented by the CSP children.













The delegates were felicitated with a shawl, garland and the oil lamp made of clay. They appreciated the work done at SMSSS and expressed their joy in assisting the children for their education as they wished them an excellent future and Divine blessing. They appreciated the beautiful and well-planned programme organized by SMSSS to honour them. They sincerely thanked everyone particularly Bishop Francis Serrao S.J. for successfully implementing the project and also for according a warm welcome to them.

Dr Francis Serrao S.J., Bishop of Shimoga Diocese expressed his greetings and thanked the donors and the Archdiocese of Prague with the Caritas Prague unit for the support given to the beneficiary families of Shimoga Diocese for the past several years. He wished them success in all their undertakings.

During his vote of Fr. Pius D'Souza, the Director of SMSSS, expressed his gratitude to the delegates, Director and member of the Archdiocesan Caritas Prague for the unwavering support to the Organization for many years. He also thanked the gathering and SMSSS Staff for making the event more memorable and successful. About 90 beneficiary children along with their parents and SMSSS staff participated in the program. Everyone present including the Delegates expressed their joy at the good work done at the SMSSS.

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